About Us


We will aim to achieve our vision by developing our business around the three themes of consulting, new business, and globalization.


We are the global consulting firm from Japan, aiming to expand to 440 cities around the world.


We aim to improve your business value by deriving the best executable strategies to suit your business situation.

New business

We challenge innovative businesses that contribute to society and no one has ever attempted before.


We are the global consulting firm from Japan, aiming to expand to 440 cities around the world.


We aim to improve your business value by deriving the best executable strategies to suit your business situation.

New businesses

We challenge innovative businesses that contribute to society and no one has ever attempted before.



Vision Consulting's consulting business allows you to provide a full range of services from strategic planning to development and operation.
Our services are not limited to specific areas or existing solutions, but focus on solving the issues which is truly need.

Case Study



We use data and digital technology to improve business models, organizations, and cultures.
We provide total business design and support.


We support you from the planning stage to the execution stage, with our expert consultants helping you to concrete the path that is truly necessary for you to take.


We maximize your corporate value by balancing "total optimization" and "partial optimization" of business processes, based on our knowledge of a wide range of industries and business sectors.


Without specific packages or general methods, we provide comprehensive support from planning IT solutions that are truly valuable to you.


At Vision Consulting, industry experienced professionals and system integration professionals will offer the best proposals for your company with highly ability and management.

Project Ratio

Strategy / Business












/ Business




DX Consulting

DX promotion requires a wide variety of skills and capabilities.
It is not enough to be good at one area or field, such as strategy
planning, business reform, or IT deployment, in order to succeed.
Vision Consulting has many experienced strategy, business, and IT consultants (including SI).
In addition, there are many cases where experts are lacking in areas such as security measures
and system architecture design, which are essential for DX promotion.
Vision Consulting can provide full support in all areas.

Main Services

DX strategy development

We develop DX strategies not only for IT, but also for transformation to improve the value provided to customers, such as establishing a competitive advantage and improving the position in the business.

Business reform for DX promotion

By promoting standardization and concentration of business processes with a view to outsourcing and use of IT, we can build efficient and transparent business processes and enable a smooth migration to new business operations.

Starting up new Businesses

We support the creation of new businesses with DX by quick proceeding through the entire process of new business conception, planning, evaluation, hypothesis evaluation, PoC, commercialization, growth, and more.

System architecture design

We support system architecture design, which is required for DX execution. We design IT systems with overall optimization.

IoT Introduction / Smartification

We support from the strategy of what data to acquire and how to use it, to the implementation of specific technologies.

Company-wide / business strategy based on DX

We clearly understand the current business and identify the added value and differentiation factors. Furthermore, we will explore how DX can help you to achieve transformation, such as creating new businesses, added value, and formulate the optimal management strategy.

Personnel / organizational reform to promote DX

We support the human resource management strategies required for DX promotion. Specifically, we provide support for organization design and governance, employment and human resource system design, executive compensation design, next-generation leader development, succession management, and other overall support services.

Security measures

We support overall security management, not just technical security equipment only. We aim to establish a management framework for security by analyzing risks, setting criticality levels, and monitoring and improving after they have been executed.

App / Infrastructure Design-Development / Testing

In order to execute the plans based on the DX strategy, we will support requirement definition, design, coding, and operation by planning overall architecture from the viewpoint of each software such as system replacement, integration, NW, OS, and DB, etc.

Case Study

Strategic Consulting

There is no value in planning a strategy satisfied with your requirements if it is impossible to do.
At Vision Consulting, we help you to develop business strategies, alliance strategies, start-up of new businesses, etc., we concretize the paths that are truly necessary for you, and formulate strategies with a view to implementation.
Our experienced consultants support you with responsibility until achieve satisfactory results by making the most of the knowledge they have cultivated.

Main Services

Company-wide / business strategies

We clearly understand and analyze your business, identify your company's added value and differentiating factors, and develop the best business strategy based on your needs. We then develop optimal management strategies based on the needs of our clients.

Marketing strategies

We clearly understand and analyze your business, identify your company's added value and differentiating factors, and develop the best business strategy based on your needs. We then develop optimal management strategies based on the needs of our clients.

Alliance strategies

How to overcome company barriers and create synergies? We will help you to develop the best alliance strategy and incorporate it into your plan to execute it.

IT Strategies

We support you with total IT strategy planning and execution, based on a variety of perspectives, including consistency with your management strategy and innovative ideas from your competitors and other industries.

Overseas expansion / global

We support the success of global projects by overcoming language and cultural barriers and by using a wide variety of schemes supported by our experienced consultants.

Strategic risk management

We provide a wide range of support from management of business risks such as business investments, alliances, and M&A to management of operational risks associated with daily operations such as sales, quality, and procurement.

New Businesses Launch

We support realization of new businesses with speed through the entire process of new business planning, evaluation, hypothesis evaluation, PoC, and commercialization/growth.

Case Study

Business Consulting

The business process which is the flow of business operations is the most important knowledge and know-how.
In many cases, specific packages or general methods don't not much with a company's own business processes.
At Vision Consulting, we seek out and propose the best solutions for you.
We help you to maximize your corporate value by balancing "total optimization" and "partial optimization" of processes from a wide range of perspectives, such as efficiency, productivity improvement, and cost reduction.

Main Services

Business Reform Support

Take into considerations the standardization of business processes and the centralization of operations, as well as the use of outsourcing and IT, to enable the establishment of efficient and transparent business processes and a smooth transition to new operations.

Internal Control

We support every process from business and IT, including evaluation and analysis of the company's current situation, planning of action policies, risk analysis, documentation, testing, and business improvement.

Supply Chain Management

We support the best supply chain development by providing consistent services from strategy development to business process reform, IT system implementation, establishment, and operation, as well as appropriate execution of change management.

Company-wide cost reduction

Where is the waste? We support you in identifying opportunities for improvement and receiving benefits by conducting interviews and analysis across the company and each department with the knowledge of business improvement.

Human Resources and Organizational Reform Support

We totally support human resource management strategies, organizational design and governance, personnel cost optimization and employment adjustment, human resource systems, pension and retirement benefits, executive compensation, and next-generation leader development and succession management.

RFP support

We support the creation of RFPs, the first and most difficult step in system development. At the same time, we manage the appropriate vendor selection process and support overall procurement activities.

PMO Support

We support execution of PMO operations that realize cost, quality, and schedule management for business and IT projects, as well as operation management across multiple projects, through our expert consultants' highly management skills.

Case Study

IT Consulting

New business models, such as innovation and deregulation, are rapidly evolving.
These new business models are supported by IT.
At Vision Consulting, our IT consulting services provide business support
not for the purpose of IT, but for the purpose of maximizing corporate value.
We create a flow between management and IT to maximize corporate value and
seamlessly support IT deployment to achieve strategies.

Main Services

IT implementation planning

We plan formulation to achieve management strategies and problem-solving through the execution and support of IT roadmap formulation, IT return on investment analysis, RFP creation, management information resource mapping and current system evaluation to draft IT investments.

Project Management Support

We support execution of PMO operations that quality and schedule management for IT projects as well as operation management across multiple projects through our expert consultants' highly management skills.

System implementation support

We analyze the tasks facing you and support you in implementing the most appropriate individual solution to meet your challenges, such as new system construction, ERP, BI, CTI, OCR, and so on.

Security measures support

We support the establishment and operation of a security management system that includes not only technical security equipment, but also the establishment of risk severity levels, monitoring and improvement after implementation of measures.

IT Governance and Standardization Support

We optimize your IT environment by helping to establish IT governance which maximizes effectiveness and minimizes risk and by helping to develop IT business and technology standard definitions and management processes.

CIO Support

We offer a wide range of services including IT-based new service creation, IT grand design, and IT organizational and human resource enhancement. Our professional team will constantly work to resolve issues from the eyes of your information systems department.

PMO Support

We support execution of PMO operations that quality and schedule management for IT projects as well as operation management across multiple projects through our expert consultants' highly management skills.

Case Study

System Integration

We provide services that maximize the strengths of a general consulting firm.
Our specialists are experts in a variety of industries and have strong management
skills, and our SI specialists are capable of providing the best solutions for your company.
Our SI specialists, who meet all the demands of the digital society, including system
management, security, databases, applications, networks, and infrastructure platforms, will make
the best proposal for you and provide total support from construction to operation.

Main Services

Systems Architect

Our highly skilled specialists support the upstream processes of system development, including analysis of the target business, requirement definition, function definition, and design.

Development Team Lead

We support development teams to achieve success by using all of our knowledge, including advanced IT literacy, team leadership skills and management skills.

Application and infrastructure design to development and testing support

We support system replacement and integration, overall architecture planning from the software perspective, including NW, OS, and DB as well as requirement definition, design, construction, and operation.

Case Study


We suggest experts with expertise in a wide range of fields,
matched to your business and needs.

Outside Director HIROSHI KOZUKA

Worked for McKinsey & Company prior to joining Vision Consulting. Has extensive expertise in planning and supporting strategy implementation.


Worked as a partner for IBM prior to joining Vision Consulting.Engaged in launching new businesses using AI and IoT solutions.Has expertise in IT/DX strategies.


Worked as an Executive Officer for Microsoft. Has expertise in supporting the implementation of CRM/ERP. Engaged in operational improvement and sales strategy development.

Executive officer EIJI MATSUMOTO

Worked for PwC Consulting and so forth prior to joining Vision Consulting. Engaged in a wide range of activities from strategic planning to IT and other implementation support.

Executive officer KENTARO HAYASHI

Worked for ABeam Consulting and so forth prior to joining Vision Consulting. Engage in comprehensive support aligned with DX strategies. Has expertise in CRM and DX.


Worked for Amazon and so forth prior to Vision Consulting. Led company-wide DX strategy under the CDO at a major megabank, driving cross-departmental implementation of generative AI.

Associate principal KOICHIRO INOUE

Joined Vision Consulting after completing a Ph.D. program at University of Michigan and working as a partner at a foreign consulting firm.

Associate principal TAKAYUKI MIURA

Worked for Microsoft and so forth prior to joining Vision Consulting. Proficient in database design support and data modeling for AI infrastructure, with expertise in the DAMA DMBOK.

Associate principal DAISUKE MARUYAMA

Worked at a major foreign consulting firm and so forth prior to joining Vision Consulting. Has expertise in executive summary and steering committee document for the CxO class.

Associate principal ERIKO OKAMOTO

Worked at a major recruitment agencies prior to joining Vision Consulting. Engaged in various risk analyses for server security measures.

Associate principal KENICHI IDE

Worked for IBM and so forth prior to joining Vision Consulting. Experienced strategy planning and business reform in a variety of industries and sectors.

Associate principal JUNICHI FUJII

Worked for Accenture and so forth prior to joining Vision Consulting. Has expertise in total support, business reform, and cost reduction in the infrastructure sector.

Associate principal KENICHI HARASHIMA

Worked for PwC Consulting and so forth prior to joining Vision Consulting. Has extensive experience in global projects involving overseas assignments and business trips.

Associate principal RIKI NAKAJIMA

After earning an MBA in the United States, worked at an American strategic consulting firm. Proposes optimal solutions to clients' challenged from a managerial perspective.

New business

Combining multiple cutting-edge technologies
to provide new value to the world

Nowadays, there are disruptive innovations taking place all over the world through AI and other leading technologies. These disruptive innovations have made the world more convenient.

In contrast, the combination of multiple innovative technologies has not yet progressed much.
This is because the highly specialized skills required for each technology make it difficult to train people who can link multiple innovative technologies.
For example, in order to achieve low-cost and high-efficiency solar cells to prevent global warming, it is necessary to link advanced material technology, advanced manufacturing technology, IoT sensors, and AI.

Therefore, we set our mission as "to provide new value to the world by combining multiple innovative technologies.
First of all, we will focus on all remaining inconveniences in the world and aim to eliminate them by combining multiple innovative technologies.

By doing this, we will achieve our vision of "Innovation. Make the World Better".

Platform Development

We will create completely new services that have never been seen before by making full use of cutting-edge technology.

Main Services

Sharing Knowledge and Create a
Virtuous Circle among Businesses

"knowhowble" is a service to buy and sell know-how acquired through business and projects to the world.

- Know-how is not stored and discarded.
- There is no in-house knowledge or the contents are too limited to find a solution.
- There is no place to share the know-how in the field.
In order to prevent opportunity loss due to lack of such knowledge, we are developing this service to share all kinds of know-how.
By providing buried know-how, you can earn money and turn it into something of value.
It is also possible to create new value from the know-how that has been found and acquired.

Moreover, "knowhowble" is not limited to the use of know-how.
Providing know-how can also be used as a promotional tool to acquire new customers and create new business.
In this way, "knowhowble" creates a virtuous cycle between companies as a platform that connects companies with each other.

Read the Insight Article Knowhowble