Next-Generation Development Support Measures

Action Plan based on the Act on
Next-Generation Development Support Measures
We have developed the following action plans to offer a comfortable working environment to every one of our employees, and to become a company that can help raise the future generation.


Objective 1
To promote the participation of male employees in childcare, the number of employees to take paternity leave within the planned period shall be one or more.
In addition, special leave for their spouse's childbirth will be further promoted.

Survey the status of employee's prior paternity leave.
Re-notify and encourage the utilization of the paternity leave as well as the special leave for spouse's childbirth.
Check the status of employee's special leave during the previous year, consider necessary countermeasures, and promote such leave.

Objective 2
As support for achieving a healthy work-life balance for employees, we will make sure that each employee takes at least 5 days of paid leave a year, and reduce overtime hours.

Survey the status of employee's prior paternity leave.
Re-notify and encourage the utilization of the paternity leave as well as the special leave for spouse's childbirth
Check the status of employee's special leave during the previous year, consider necessary countermeasures, and promote such leave.
Objective 2
As support for achieving a healthy work-life balance for employees, we will make sure that each employee takes at least 5 days of paid leave a year, and reduce overtime hours.
Survey the status of employee's prior paternity leave.
Notify each employee of proper labor management through internal documents.
・Planned paid leave
・Reduction of working overtim
Check the status of employee's special leave and give guidance to departments in which employees have not taken the advised days of paid leave.
Check the status of employee's overtime to give appropriate guidance.
Survey the change in the previous year and consider necessary countermeasures.

Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

Action Plan based on Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.
We have formulated our action plan in order to establish the work environment where each employee can play an active role regardless of gender and also he/she can proactively do work-life management and feel rewarding.


December 1, 2021 to December 31, 2025
≪Targets, Measures and Implementation periods≫

Objective 1
Employee Satisfaction (ES) level is to be 95% and above

Improving Measure criteria of ES
[Note] We now conduct ES questionnaire and survey twice a year in order to clarify issues/challenges for company, to formulate measures and to improve employee engagement. The list of questions, the execution period and the number of times of the survey are to be reviewed so that the survey results are used as KPI for achieving this action plan's goal: To establish the work environment where each employee can play an active role regardless of gender and also he/she can proactively do work-life management and feel rewarding.

Establishing System(s) of mental health care for all departments (e.g. 1 on 1 meeting and counseling, etc.)
[Note] We have made considerable achievements (e.g. caring consultants' mental health, improving consultants' skills and improving customer satisfaction) by implementing a counseling system for Consulting department. Based on these achievements, we will expand the scope of the system of mental health care to all the departments in order to further improve employee engagement and customer satisfaction.
(1) Designing the system(s)
(2) Conducting trials and improvement (implementating in part)
(3) Implementing in whole & Evaluating & Applying PDCA concept

Improving Personnel appraisal system
(1) Clarifying issues of As-Is
(2) Designing a new personnel appraisal system
(3) Conducting trials and improvement
(4) Implementing the new systems in whole

Establishing structured Employee training sytems
(1) Designing systems for whole and for each department
(2) Conducting trials and improvement
(3) Implementing whole & Evaluating & Applying PDCA concept

Objective 2
Percentage of women among employees is to be 25% and over

Reinforcing Recruitment activities
(1) Clarifying issues of As-Is
(2) Formulating measures
(3) Implementing & Evaluating & Applying PDCA concept

Establishing Consultation system(s)
(1) Investigating and analyzing issues and needs
(2) Designing system(s)
(3) Implementing & Evaluating & Applying PDCA concept

Establishing System(s) to support in managing balance between the working and family lives
(1) Investigating and analyzing issues and needs
(2) Benchmarking
(3) Designing system(s)
(4) Implementing & Evaluating & Applying PDCA concept

Key Figures regarding the active role of women
As of September 30, 2021
(1) Providing work opportunities for female workers:
 [Percentage of women among employees] Consultants (8%), Administrative workers (23%)
(2) Establishing a work environment that contributes positively to both the working and family lives of employees
 [Average overtime hours per month per worker] 18.8 hrs.