Aiming to be the best in the world, tackling the most difficult challenges.

Business Producer



- Will join Vision Consulting in 2025 after graduating from the University of Tokyo.
- Specialized in education and psychology and has expertise in human resource development.
- Utilizes experiences such as participating in the Koshien, National High School Baseball Championship, representing Hanamaki Higashi High School, to solve the most difficult challenges.

Why did you apply to Vision Consulting?

The exceptional growth rate of the company strongly motivates me to challenge myself. I wanted to know what kind of challenges a company boasting the top growth rate in Asia was facing, and I felt that I wanted to be a part of those challenges.
I resonated with the vision of aiming to be “the world's most valuable company.”, and deeply sympathized with the high aspiration of aiming to be the best in the world and wanted to contribute to realizing that vision by making the most of my abilities.
In high school, my ambition was to become the best baseball player in Japan. That same drive led me to excel in university entrance exams and secure a spot at the University of Tokyo.
With a passion for being the best, I decided to join Vision Consulting, which aspires to be a global leader.

Why do you want to work in consulting?

I chose the consulting industry because I believed I could tackle high-difficulty management issues across a wide range of industries and significantly contribute to the growth of the Japanese economy.
Moreover, I thought such an environment would provide me with opportunities to maximize my abilities and constantly take on challenges.
In today's society, which is often described as unstable, I believe it is necessary to continue challenging oneself and growing.

Why did you commit to Vision Consulting?

As I progressed through the selection process, I became convinced that I could achieve extraordinary growth that would be unattainable at other companies.
Moreover, the swift decision-making in the recruitment process and the fact that junior members conducted the final interviews made me feel that the firm's standards are high.
Additionally, the opportunity to learn about management from the first year as a business producer was also appealing.

What would you like to tell people who will apply in the future?

During the final interview, I instinctively felt, “ I can fully utilize my abilities and contribute to the firm growth here” and I decided to commit. Choosing the right company is an extremely important decision in job hunting. While having a clear vision and conducting thorough analysis are necessary, following your intuition and determination is just as important. I encourage everyone to value your intuition and determination to make the best choice.