The Company, as a consulting business operator, has established the following basic information security
to further enhance the trust with customers by maintaining and improving the information security of
personal information
and business information related to business.
Basic Information Security Policy
1. Implement appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure the protection of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets, and maintain measures to respond to changing information technology and new threats.
2. Clarify the management system for information security, and continue to improve it by continuously educating and training employees on information security, and conducting reviews.
3. Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules related to information security.
4. Comply with contractual confidentiality obligations to the customers regarding information security.
5. Strive to prevent the occurrence of information security incidents, and if an incident should occur, take appropriate action to prevent recurrence.
6. When working at the customer's site, comply with the customer's information security policy.
Chiharu Ishii President & Representative Director
International Standard Acquisition Information
Vision Consulting Co., Ltd. has obtained ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 certification, an international standard
for information security management systems.
Certification registration number
Applicable standards
ISO/IEC 27001:2013、JIS Q 27001:2014
First certification date
Certificate validity period
April 12th 2023 ~ October 31th 2025
Certification registration scope
Development, consulting and system operation in the platform business
Accreditation organization
EQA International