Difficult situations are challenges, crises are opportunities

Consulting & IT Business Department / Consulting Division

Associate Principal



Joined Vision Consulting in 2021.

-Worked at a foreign investment bank and as a senior manager at Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting prior to joining Vision Consulting.
-Has extensive project experience in finance, particularly in business improvement/IT projects at securities and life insurance companies.
-Covers all phases from project budget negotiations and launch to post-introduction effectiveness measurement.
-Has experience in establishing Japanese corporations, launching new businesses, and responding to the Financial Services Agency.

What motivated you to enter the company?

I felt that there were many opportunities to leverage the experience I have accumulated inside and outside of projects.
While I used to focus on building my own career, as I grew older, I became more determined to share my experience and skills with others to be of help.
For someone like me, Vision Consulting, with young employees and a lot of opportunities to use the experience and skills I possess, was very attractive.

What is your current job?

I am responsible for managing and developing management system for the practical aspects of the government financial institution's core system update project.
I am deeply involved in the important stages of this very large and critical project, and although it is challenging, it is also very rewarding.

What are Vision Consulting's strengths?

There are many opportunities available.
In order to grow in the consulting industry, I believe that in addition to one's own motivation and effort, having abundant opportunities is important.
Vision Consulting provides various opportunities, which can greatly accelerate personal growth.

For Job Seekers.

We are looking for people who fit into the following two categories to join Vision Consulting:

1. Someone who sees tough situations as opportunities and takes these situations as a chance even in tough times.
We are required to solve complex problems with our clients. Without a person who can see things positively even in difficult situations, it is impossible to tackle high-difficulty problems.

2. Someone who has a sense of balance, always aware of the big picture while being able to see the details in front of them.
When immersed in the details of a project, one can sometimes lose sight of the overall picture. However, forgetting the big picture, such as the project's purpose and its place within the company, is detrimental to the value added as a consultant. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to details while always keeping the big picture in mind.